Can I take forskolin if I have diabetes?

Asked 2 years ago

My problems with hypertension and diabetes make me have blurred vision, extreme hunger and thirst, and urinating all the time. I have heard of Bloodsyl and want to know if the ingredient 'forskolin' is alright to take if I have diabetes?

Haiden Durham

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Limited studies have shown that forskolin may be effective against diabetes and hypertension. Being one of the active ingredients in Bloodsyl means that it works with garlic, celery powder, Mag-Sci, and selected B vitamins, among others to balance both cholesterol and blood pressure. However, forskolin may react with other diabetes or hypertension medication that you may be taking. It's recommended that you speak with your doctor before taking forskolin to know if it's okay to do so.

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