What does a shrinking brain indicate?

Asked 2 years ago

What does it mean when someone's brain starts to shrink? Is it a typical sign of aging?

Christopher Mclean

Friday, February 25, 2022

Brain shrinkage means that there are fewer connections between neurons and cells in the brain, which causes cells to die, which negatively affects your brains ability to tell your body what to do. In most cases this is due to old age.

In most cases its a sign of age, its the process that essentially tells your body that its time to start shutting down. Cells aren't able to transmit more energy into your system, the blood vessels are over-stressed and its all just part of the natural - if slightly terrifying way - that your body is switching off.

Brooks Stewart

Monday, April 25, 2022

Brain shrinkage means you are getting old. Fewer nutrients and less blood is being pumped into your system due to the fact your body is breaking down, as consequence the neural connections in the brain begin to break or shrink in an effort to save energy and resources, consequently you start losing brain mass, resulting in complications.

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