Does olive leaf extract help with fungus?

Asked 2 years ago

Hi, my husband has developed a fungus in his toenails. They are soft and crumbly and have gone all yellow. It looks really unpleasant, we're also worried that this fungus may lead to a foot infection, and we need something that will be effective. I have olive leaf extract in the cupboard. Will it work?

Cortez Hammond

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Olive leaf extract is great for killing toenail fungus when used topically or taken as a supplement, with supplements being more effective. If you decide to use it as a salve, apply it directly to the affected toenails once or twice a day and consider getting him some olive leaf extract supplements as well.

Caroline Ikiugu

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Studies have shown that olive leaf extract has anti-fungal properties making it useful in fighting a fungal infection. It works best when taken daily as a supplement, although it can also be applied topically. It has to be taken consistently to clear up toenail fungus and to prevent it from becoming a full-blown fungal foot infection. However, your husband should avoid olive leaf extract if he's on blood pressure or blood sugar medications as it may interact with them.

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